生花新風体Special Lesson!
不思議な姿 -ひげもじゃの葉に囲まれ た綺麗な水色の花- のニゲラは、いつか使ってみたい花材でした。
花材: ブラックリーフ、コデマリ、ニゲラ

Attended Shoka Shimpu-tai lesson with the benefit, ie, we could choose floral materials by ourselves!
I dared to choose the materials such as Dracaena and Nigella, which we rarely see for Shoka Shofu-tai, and intentionally used a vase in black for the Dracaena leaves in very dark color.
Actually Nigella is the material I wanted to use one day for its unique figure with lovely pale blue flowers surrounded by bushy fennel-looking leaves.
Enjoyed creating a Shimpu-tai work being unbound by the strict rules of Shofu-tai.
Moreover, got very much inspired by other participants’ refined works and grateful to them.
Mori Sensei, thank you for providing such a special opportunity.
Hope I’ll be able to enjoy the same benefit again in another season.
Materials: Dracaena, Spiraea cantoniensis, Nigella