

その1: 石化柳、ワックスフラワー、リンドウ
その2: アンスリウム、カラテア・ランキフォリア、ワックスフラワー
Attended a Shoka shimpu-tai lesson, which I was looking forward to since I could select the floral materials by myself.
I wholly enjoyed this process, as I believe it’s good for activating my brain, eg, deciding without lingering which materials I should use with which, being attentive not to select my own favorite materials only, etc.
As the contorted willow and Anthurium were the two I encountered as the main materials, challenged to make two works.
Then selected the vases, noting that in case of Shoka shimpu-tai it’s critical to well coordinate these with the materials.
For the first work, tried to make a chic impression using materials in fuchsia pink and sober green with the vase in black and silver. For the second one, used leaves and vase both in reddish brown to enhance the loveliness of pink color of Anthurium.
Mori Sensei, thank you for allocating longer time to enable us to make two works and for providing lots of valuable advices.
work 1: contorted willow, wax flower, gentian
work 2: Anthurium, Calathea, wax flower